How To Find (and Keep) Lasting Love with Annie Lalla

Annie Lalla is a relationship coach with over a decade of experience. She has become a true beacon of wisdom and inspiration for couples and singles seeking deep connections and profound intimacy.

Join Kirsten and Annie for a conversation on how to navigate dating so that you find and create lasting love. This is a great episode to listen to if you are dating to find your life partner. Whether you are skeptical about love or feel desperate to finally have the relationship you dream about, Annie has insight and actionable tools for you to do right now.

Key Topics:

  1. How to navigate conflict in the early stages of dating and a relationship.

  2. Two ways people show up in conflict and how to move beyond the struggle and into connection.

  3. Tools to build understanding, communication, and clarity within a relationship.

  4. The difference between love and true love.

  5. How to know if someone is “the one” Having versus hoping tool.

Connect with Annie Lalla

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Want to know if you have true love? Take Annie’s test:


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