Smart Dating Advice: How to Use Dating Apps Successfully

It is peak dating season…and this episode will help you land that perfect date.

In this revealing episode, Bella Gandhi, the founder of Smart Dating Academy, shares her insightful advice on online dating. Bella brings all the wisdom from being mindful of creating an authentic and attractive profile, understanding dating patterns, and maintaining intentionality.

Kirsten and Bella walk through a comprehensive guide to navigating the online dating world successfully. She points out common misunderstandings, such as rushing into relationships, ghosting, and not optimally using dating apps as a tool in the dating process. 

If you are feeling exhausted from dating, Bella provides the mindset you need, how to ditch harmful notions like drama and conflict and focus on advice that promotes self-awareness, grace, and respect. 

Key Topics:

  1. Understanding your dating patterns

  2. How to improve your dating app profile

  3. Identifying red flags in dating

  4. How to navigate the dating world when you are not ready for a long-term relationship


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