Here Is The Number 1 Proven Method For Penis Enlargement

Do you wish your penis was larger? No matter how big or small, many men want safe and effective tools to increase penis size and functioning. 

This episode is packed with insight into girth and length enhancement strategies that are both natural and long-lasting. Whether you want to increase the size of your penis or value tools to improve your sexual health and functioning, this episode is a must-listen.

To have this conversation, join Dr. Judson Brandeis, an award-winning urologist, sexual medicine expert and surgeon who has committed his practice and career to sexual medicine innovations for men. Breaking down the snake oil claims of other providers, 

If you want to feel great, look good and have better physical intimacy, dont miss this episode.

Key Topics:

00:11 Misconceptions About Penis Enlargement

02:14 Penis Enlargement Methods and Their Issues

06:42 The P Long Procedure Explained

10:18 Penis Pumps and Their Effectiveness

13:35 Understanding Peyronie's Disease

16:40 Factors Influencing Penis Size

17:43 Testosterone Levels and Modern Lifestyle

19:59 Improving Testosterone Naturally

23:58 Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

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Episode Transcript

Whether you want to increase the size of your penis or find natural ways to improve your sexual health and vitality. This episode is for you. For the very first time we have an award-winning urologist and sexual medicine expert on the show to walk through everything. Penis health. Dr. Judson. Brandeis as a clinical researcher and surgeon who has committed his practice and career to sexual medicine innovations for men and 

dr. Judson is dedicated to helping his patients and really men everywhere to feel great to look good and to have better sex. And he is here today to walk through holistic methods for penis enlargement. He's here to share testosterone treatment plans and so much more. You guys, this is truly an anatomy and physiology lesson about your penis. 

That. We have all been in need of, and it is packed with value. So let's get some. [00:01:00] 

Kirsten Trammell: Dr. Judson Brandeis, welcome to The Naked Connection. , and knowing all of the work that you do, and there's a really important [00:02:00] topic that we're going to discuss, which is penis enlargement to kick things off.

I'm really curious of what are some of the misconceptions that people have about this issue?

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah. Well, first of all, people believe it's safe. And up until the Pilong study, there really wasn't a consistently safe solution for penile enhancement. And the other thing is that People were wishing that there was some sort of natural way to enhance the penis, but also people think that a bigger penis is better.

And in some respects it is, but I don't think that a lot of partners are looking for penile size. I think people are looking for confidence. They're looking for connection. So I don't encourage people to To get a bigger penis, but if people are looking for a bigger penis, I have a solution that's safe, effective, and has, doesn't have any side effects.

Kirsten Trammell: Interesting. Yeah. I had a guest on a while ago Dr. Ogi Ogas, who did a lot of [00:03:00] research on pornography searches. And one of the things he noted was that oftentimes women aren't searching for Like large dick or big penis, but men are and the kind of this misconception that I mean, that it has to be bigger in order for it to be better is interesting.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah, I mean, men think that women really care, but I don't really think that they do care. I think men care more than women care.

Kirsten Trammell: Yeah. 

Dr.Judson Brandeis: When I look at the, the, the size of the penis in the Pilong study, it wasn't all guys with small penises. There were guys with small penises, guys with middle-sized penises and guys with large penises.

And and I, I was actually actually able to sub fractionate the, the research subjects into guys with penises less than five and a half inches and bigger than five and a half inches. And the guys with the penises smaller than five and a half inches had more percentage growth than guys with penises big and that big, bigger than five and a half inches.

'cause we wanted to be able to give people an expectation of what the [00:04:00] benefit of. Participating would be.

Kirsten Trammell: Interesting. So I guess, what would you say that the benefits are for exploring and going through the process of penis enlargement, both, I guess, externally and internally?

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah. Well, I mean, the P long is just totally different than any of the other technologies out there. You know, there's girth enhancement using fillers or fat transfers. The problem is those are really expensive and they don't last for a long time. You know, you spend 10, 000 up front to get some hyaluronic acid or PMMA filler put into your penis.

It lasts a couple of years. Then you end up with a lumpy bumpy penis, and then you have to spend another 2, 500 bucks every two years. to get touch ups to add girth and, and then it's girth, it's not length, so we get, you get what's called a pig in a blanket penis. Yeah,

Kirsten Trammell: okay.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: in a blanket are good at cocktail parties, but they're not good in the bedroom.[00:05:00] 

Kirsten Trammell: Oh my gosh. Oh,

Dr.Judson Brandeis: you know, then there are surgeries like suspensory ligament ligation or the placement of a pneuma implant and the ligament ligation really is a disaster. It doesn't really add any erect length, it only adds flaccid length. And when you take down the suspensory ligament, your penis basically points to your toes even when you're erect. And then you generate scar tissue and then your penis is even smaller than it was to begin with. So I would definitely not recommend ligament ligation. Now the penuma, it definitely gives you flaccid length. And it definitely gives you girth. In fact, almost five centimeters of girth. The problem is I've seen a half a dozen patients in my practice.

And this is just up in Northern California at my practice who've had really disastrous outcomes from the Pneuma, you know, infections and, you know, reoperations and having them have them removed. And so it's expensive. It's about 20, 000 bucks and it's, it's not consistently [00:06:00] safe. And so I, I definitely recommend against that.

And so the beautiful thing about Pilong is it's totally safe. You know, I did all 29 patients in the study myself, all six PRP injections. Knock on wood, never had any problems or complications. It gives guys about an inch of length, about a half an inch of girth and better penile function.

Kirsten Trammell: Wow. Okay. And so knowing that there are these, it sounds like clients come into your office for one reason because they might have had a procedure previously, like you just described, that ended pretty detrimentally. What are other reasons that drive men to want this pilong procedure done? What, obviously, you know, larger penis, but like what else is underneath that, that you've found?

Dr.Judson Brandeis: You know, I think it's, it's about confidence. Guys, a lot of guys feel that having a bigger penis will give them more confidence and capability in bed and they feel [00:07:00] like more women are going to be interested in them if their penises are bigger. Now, whether that's true or not, I don't know but you know, guys are driven to this and I want to be able to provide a way that's safe and effective.

And the thing is, like I have a background in clinical research. I work. At American Red Cross in the lab that figured out how to freeze blood. And then I worked at Harvard Medical School in the lab that did the first living related kidney transplant. And then I worked at UCLA in a lab where we did outcomes research.

 I thought, well, I'm doing this regenerative medicine stuff. Let's see if we can increase the length, girth and function of the penis. And so I created a study, we got institutional review board approval.

We had it listed by clinicaltrials. gov, which is the NIH website. And then I presented my data at the Sexual Medicine Society of North America and the International Society of Sexual Medicine. And it's published in a review journal called Andrology. And you know, this is different than there's so much [00:08:00] stuff, as you know, in sexual medicine where people just make these really absurd and outlandish claims.

Kirsten Trammell: Yeah.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: And , I wanted something that was verifiable. That was verifiable in terms of the data and verifiable by folks from academic institutions reviewing my study, reviewing my data. And, and. Basically saying that made sense.

Kirsten Trammell: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So can you walk us through, for anyone that's listening that might not know what P Long is, like what exactly that looks like, what the process is, is it invasive, like what's going on here?

Dr.Judson Brandeis: You know, if you look at the collagen and elastin in the penis, it runs in two different directions. It runs lengthwise, because when you get an erection, it grows in length. And it runs circumferentially, right? So when you get an erection, it grows in girth. Part of the pilong, process is to stretch the penis in length and the stretch the penis in girth.

And so to stretch the penis in length, there's a device called the Restorex device that was developed by a friend of mine at the Mayo Clinic and [00:09:00] has been studied extensively. And in studies on Peyronie's disease, it was shown to increase length about 1. 7 centimeters. And so you have to use the Restorex device 20 minutes, twice a day. And to increase girth, we used a penis pump by Dr. Joel Kaplan. 12 minutes in the morning and 12 minutes in the evening, right? So you're increasing girth, you're increasing length. And then we use a supplement that I created called Affirm, which is a nitric oxide boosting supplement, a su a supplement that increases circulation.

And you take that in the morning and then in the evening because it, I just did a study that showed that it increased nighttime erections by about 15 to 20%, right? So we want you to stretch your penis as much as possible. And then the secret sauce really is platelet rich plasma. So platelets in the body have two functions.

One function is to stop bleeding. Like we all know, when you cut yourself, you form a clot, but then the clot [00:10:00] falls, falls off and you get a scab and then the scab falls off and the tissue grows back. And the reason the tissue grows back is because inside platelets, you have growth factors. That's what helps the tissue regenerate.

And so as the part of the P Long protocol, we do an injection of PRP into the penis once a month for six months. And that accelerates the benefits of traction and, and suction.

Kirsten Trammell: Okay. Okay. Okay. So there's kind of like four components to the

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Or components.

Kirsten Trammell: there's the,

restore extraction. And then there's the penis pump.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: which is for girth enhancement, and then there's the Affirm Nitric Oxide Booster. That's for circulation enhancement, and then there's the PRP, which adds growth factors which accelerate the process, right? So there was a study done about 20 years ago on a penis pump, looking at whether you could increase the length and girth using a penis pump, and they showed that you were able to grow a penis almost an inch, [00:11:00] but the problem was you had to wear the pump 8 to 10 hours a day

Kirsten Trammell: my gosh.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: for 6 to 9

Kirsten Trammell: sustainable.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah, I mean, for, I mean, some people work at home, maybe that's

Kirsten Trammell: Maybe I

Dr.Judson Brandeis: but you know, it's, it's, it's really not ideal.

And I wanted to create a protocol that was doable by the average guy. So 30 minutes before you go to work in the morning, 30 minutes before you go to sleep at night, you take some of my firm, you come into the office once a month for six months for the, the, the PRP.

Kirsten Trammell: Wow. And okay. And so how long, I mean, is this permanent? As long as you do the protocol for the six months, like how long is this? Enhancement

Dr.Judson Brandeis: You know, as long as you're able to maintain good nighttime erections, you should be able to maintain the size of the penis. Okay. So this is not for guys with erectile dysfunction. We have lots of other stuff for guys with erectile dysfunction. This is for guys with normal penile function and normal nighttime erections.

Kirsten Trammell: Got it. Cool. I, I was going to ask you about penis pumps. I had a guest on the, on the show a while ago and she actually [00:12:00] mailed me one of Dr. Kaplan's penis pumps. I'm like, I don't know what to do with this thing, but I should give it away to someone, one of the listeners. But. I was so curious about whether those are really, truly effective.

And it sounds like they are, especially if you're doing this full kind of comprehensive protocol.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah, well, you know, they're effective in that they pull blood into the penis, but you have to think about the, the physiology of erections, right? What really drives erections is arterial blood flow, and you have an artery called the deep cavernosal artery that sits in the inside of the penis. the corpora cavernosa or the erectile body.

So you basically have two kind of cigars sitting on the inside of the penis. And then the artery is in the middle of that cigar and it's pumping blood actively into the penis. Now, when you get a full erection, the pressure in the corpora Basically blocks the backflow from venous blood that sits on the [00:13:00] outside of the corpora, on the outside of the cigar.

And a penis pump will bring venous blood into the penis, but as soon as you release the pressure, that venous blood is going to leave. And there's nothing replacing it because the artery isn't pumping.

Kirsten Trammell: Hmm.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: So that's sort of the principle of people that use cock rings is when they get a full erection, then you put a cock ring around the penis that traps the venous blood in the penis, and then you have arterial blood that's still pumping blood into the penis.

Kirsten Trammell: Fascinating.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Does that make sense?

Kirsten Trammell: Yeah. Yeah. And this is a very naive thought, but I used to live in San Francisco and I would go to pride parades up there and men are just walking around with their cock rings on. And so I was. Thought it was decorative.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah, I mean, it can be decorative. I wouldn't put it on my Christmas tree, but, but, but it can be decorative. But also, you know, for men in their 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s or above you know, it [00:14:00] can be the difference between having penetrative intercourse and not having penetrative intercourse.

Kirsten Trammell: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And so I guess I'm thinking about, is there anything else about penis enlargement that we should know about 

Dr.Judson Brandeis: there's now a safe way to do it that also improves arterial function, right? Because PRP is filled with growth factors and that stimulates the growth of new blood vessels. So not only guys are getting longer erections and thicker erections, but also harder erections. And that hardness is basically permanent because you're growing these blood vessels.

Kirsten Trammell: this? Okay. I love that you just shared that because one of the things that I had to talk to you about was getting a semi hard or I don't know why, but I recently heard someone call it an al dente dick, knock my people. Okay.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: That's only if you're Italian.

Kirsten Trammell: Yeah. Only if you're Italian. But but I was wondering about what, what, what someone could do if that was an experience that they continue to [00:15:00] have.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah, I mean it's, it's in some ways a little bit dangerous to have intercourse with an al dente dick or a penis that's semi hard. And you know, if you look at the data on Peyronie's disease, Diabetics are three times as likely as non diabetics that get Peyronie's disease. And the reason for that is they're, they don't have as good enough blood flow in the penis.

And so they're, Red erections aren't as rigid and so they're more likely to have a fracture or a partial fracture or bending of the penis during intercourse which then can lead to scar tissue with that which then can lead to You know Peyronie's disease

Kirsten Trammell: Yeah. And, and that was actually something, you know, just being really transparent, like this, this part of human sexuality is something that I'm still deeply learning about. And so when I came across Peyronie's disease I didn't know that that was actually a disease. I thought it was just some men have curved penises and that's just the way that they [00:16:00] were born.

But this sounds like something that, and maybe you can explain it if people, other people are listening, didn't necessarily know what this was.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: yeah, I mean some people have kind of a gently curved penis, but this is a Pathologically curved penis and the thing is 80 percent of men that have Peyronie's disease can't point to a particular date or time when they felt like it started or a reason it started. Now, there's some people that have what's called Dupuytren's contractures, which are like those little trigger finger things.

And that's a problem with collagen. And so those people are much more likely to get Peyronie's disease, but 80 percent of the time people don't even realize why they got it. And they woke up one morning with an erection and it looked like it's gone. Curving. And it typically, most of them curve up, although they can curve to the left, they can curve right, they can curve down, and once it gets past about a 30 percent curvature, it makes intercourse really difficult and dangerous, and painful, not only for the, the, the patient, but then also their partners.

And and so there are [00:17:00] a couple things you can do. There's really no oral medication. That you can use on it, but there is a medication called Zyaflex, which is an injection into the plaque that can improve the, the curvature by about 30 degrees,

Kirsten Trammell: And, and so just to understand this, is it basically there's some sort of something physical happens that causes damage to the penis. And then as a result, is it scar tissue or what

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah. So it's basically scar tissue. So the, you know, like I said earlier, the penis is made of collagen and elastin, and elastin is stretchy, right? So when you get an erection, your penis is able to stretch from three inches to six inches. Let me just make up a number, right? But if you have scar tissue on the top of the penis, now the top of the penis is only able to stretch to five inches, but the bottom of the penis is able to stretch to six inches.

And because of that, you'll get an upward curvature of the penis to compensate for the difference in, in [00:18:00] size of, you know, the sides, the top and the bottom.

Kirsten Trammell: Yeah, yeah, wow. Okay. This just made me think about a question about, you know, some people are growers, some are showers. What is, from your understanding, what is the driving factor of that for an individual's penis?

Dr.Judson Brandeis: You know, it's a good question. I mean, I think it's a lot of it is just kind of blood flow. So if you have more blood flow, flowing through the penis, then you're going to have greater penile volume, even when you're flaccid and I'll put people on a daily dose of Tadalafil or Cialis and folks will say, well, my penis is bigger or we do Botox injections into the penis.

Botox relaxes vascular smooth muscle. So it opens up blood vessels. And so the penises are fuller, bigger. Yeah. And you know, those are some of the factors that, that increase penile size. Also kind of the stretchiness or elasticity of the penile tissue. [00:19:00] So if you have penile tissue that's more stretchy or elastic, it's going to be more full, even when it's flaccid.

Kirsten Trammell: Yeah. Okay. One other thing that we, that we talked about or before we started recording was TRT. And, you know, I've been reading a lot of stats that show the increase in men in even particular young men that are struggling with their T levels. And I'm wondering, like, why is this happening? What can men do about it?

What, what's going on here?

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah you know, the reason for a decline in testosterone levels, if you look 50 years ago at what a normal testosterone level it was, and you look at what a normal testosterone level is now, there's about a 30 percent decline. And the reason for that is a lot of us sit on our ass and sit in front of computers all day.

Or have their computers on their lap. And so the reason you have testosterone is [00:20:00] to build muscle, to get rid of fat, to have sex drive, to have motivation drive. And at the end of the day, you know, we're animals and cavemen were out on the prairie. Killing buffalo. And to kill a buffalo, you need a lot of testosterone.

You know, some ma, you know, some humans were farmers and you still need a lot of, of, of energy to farm. You may not need as much energy as you do to kill a buffalo but, you know, dig holes and, and plant crops and so on and so forth. And, but then. If you sit in front of a computer all day and you're not being attacked by wild animals and you don't have to lift hay bales you don't need as much testosterone and your body is smart.

Your body's thinking like, how much testosterone do I need to make? if you're not being attacked by wild animals, it says, well, we don't really need to make that much testosterone. And so our testosterones are lower. in general for that reason.

Kirsten Trammell: [00:21:00] Interesting. Yeah. , I have , this funny line where I like to ask men if they chop wood and I know chopping wood is like such a testosterone building thing, but not a lot of people do it anymore. And just using that as an example of how our society has shifted, but yeah, that would make sense if, if our body is able to assess our environment and then determine what it needs to produce to

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah. Well, I mean, there's some very simple things that a guy can do to boost his testosterone. First of all, go to the gym, right? And do weightlifting, you know, resistance training, you know, running and and biking and those kinds of things that they might build some testosterone, but weightlifting is going to build more testosterone.

The other thing is sleep. So we use testosterone during the day and we make testosterone when you sleep. So if you get , four hours of sleep every night, it's like charging my electric car for only four hours. If my electric car needs eight hours of charge to have a full charge and I'm only charging [00:22:00] it for four hours, it's not going to run very well.

So you need a full night of sleep because you use testosterone during the day. It peaks in the morning by three or four o'clock in the afternoon, it bottoms out and it doesn't recharge until you go to sleep. And so exercise, sleep, you know, eat well, especially it's good to eat meat, right? I see a lot of vegans and vegetarians and their testosterone are low because testosterone is a cholesterol hormone.

It's a, it's a steroid that's 27 carbon structure of cholesterol. And so if you're not getting enough cholesterol, you're not going to make much testosterone. The other thing is. Don't be fat. Okay. Fat aromatizes testosterone, right? The difference between, if you look at the molecule, molecular structure of testosterone and estrogen, the only difference between testosterone and estrogen is a single hydrogen atom, right?

The smallest unit of matter is the difference between men and women. And [00:23:00] testosterone gets easily converted into estrogen in people that are obese. And that's why you see guys that are obese get man boobs, right? Because you're producing a lot of estrogen.

Kirsten Trammell: okay, this is such a science class. I love it. So this is wild. I mean, what you're saying basically is if you want your testosterone levels to be really low, live in modern society, be stressed out, don't sleep a lot, sit in front of a computer all day and. Eat unhealthy.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah, there you go. That's a recipe for. Or estrogen and man boobs.

Kirsten Trammell: Yes, yeah, yeah, that's what you're looking for.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: But if you want to be a manly man, hit the gym, get enough sleep, trim down, and eat some meat.

Kirsten Trammell: Yeah, I'm blown away by how important sleep is and how much we tend to neglect it and sleeping is free sleeping is Like there's no reason for us not to do

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Sleeping is free. Yeah, sleeping is free. I mean, the thing is [00:24:00] I, I wrote this book, The 21st Century Man, and so I do a lot of podcasts that talk about men's health. And, and I say, I can give you advice in 10 seconds that will make you healthier than about 95 percent of men. Which is, don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't eat too much, exercise every day, meditate, stretch, get enough sleep, be nice to other people. That's it. If you do those things, then you'll be healthier than about 95 percent of Americans.

Kirsten Trammell: Why is it so hard for us to do that? 

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah, because we live in, in stressful society and stressful lives. I mean when I get stressed out or, or sad at home, I'll go to Ben Jerry's and I'll eat a pint of ice cream. You know, I know it's not good for me, but sometimes it makes me feel better. You know, I work out a lot, so I don't put a lot of weight on.

But, you know, if you [00:25:00] don't, you know, if you have a job where you commute two hours a day each way, or, you know, you have to work two jobs, or, You know, you have diabetes or genetic predisposition to problems, know, it's tough.

Kirsten Trammell: And so thinking about the testosterone treatment if someone is doing all of these things, let's say, and they're really working on being healthier and their testosterone levels are still low, or, you know, if there's just different situations in which they want to have more testosterone than what is currently considered average, what are options for them?

And, and what is that? Look like in the long term. I know there's like just information out there about what are the the long term impacts and influences of doing TRT like what what would you say to that?

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah. I wrote a really good ebook. That's totally free. If you go to my website, BrandeisMD. com and then go to media and then drop down to ebooks. I actually wrote three ebooks on testosterone. One is called All [00:26:00] About Testosterone. That's a good place to start. The second one is Testosterone Levels, which talk about the levels you'll achieve with testosterone.

Yeah. all of the different testosterone preparations. And then the other one is on performance enhancing drugs. So testosterone and testosterone derivatives that are used by bodybuilders and athletes to improve performance. And then the other thing is if you go to my YouTube channel, which is BrandeisMD.

I wrote, or I did a lecture for first responders that I put up there. It's about an hour and it goes through basically everything about testosterone and about building muscle.

Kirsten Trammell: Yeah, and I'll put all of that in the show notes for everyone that's listening So in in thinking about that first responder piece I know you were sharing before we recorded about an experience that you have and this was something that I had never considered before about the value of the career path that you're on or just your lifestyle and how some people are going to more benefit from having higher testosterone levels, which I think is really fascinating.[00:27:00] 

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah. I mean, I see a lot of first responders, you know, SWAT, police, fire, and that can literally make the difference between life and death for those guys. And their testosterone needs are totally different than my testosterone needs, you know, sitting in in a medical office all day. I mean, I had a patient, I think I was telling you about, who came in with a testosterone of four 400 and, you know, which most people would consider quote normal. But you know, he's out on the street fighting bad guys. And he was telling me the other day that he got into an altercation with a bad guy that he finally was able to subdue the bad guy. But he said, you know, if, If I was fighting that guy when my testosterone was 400, I wouldn't be standing here.

He said, you know, my testosterone's 1, 200 now and I'm doing great but if it was 400, it would have been a big problem for me.

Kirsten Trammell: Incredible. And it's amazing that we have the science now to be able to support. all of this for men, for people out there. [00:28:00] Okay. So thinking back to the very beginning about penis enlargement if someone wants to explore this protocol or go down the path, what is the first step? What should they do?

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah, just go to p long. com and really all the information that you'll need is on that website. So there's, there's the original paper that I, I published, there's lectures that I've given, and there's information on all the other. P& L enhancement technologies and why they aren't necessarily ideal for men.

Kirsten Trammell: And I would love to know what got you into this work. What led you to the path of, of doing what you do now? Cause it's, I feel like this isn't something that everyone just decides they

Dr.Judson Brandeis: yeah. And you know, like it's, I mean, it probably super embarrassing to my kids. So I apologize to my kids. I don't think they watch my podcast, but, but no, I mean, I, I, I started out My medical career really interested in kidney [00:29:00] transplants and and then did started with a general surgery residency and a urology residency focused really on kidney transplantation.

And then I became really interested in prostate cancer and surgical robotics and I helped pioneer surgical robotics. And that brought me to a more general urology track and I opened up Kidneystone Center and I started MRI guided prostate biopsy. But I always liked doing things way, way ahead of the curve and I became interested in regenerative treatments for sexual function.

So helping guys get erections when they're at an age where they no longer can. And so I started doing research and doing low intensity shockwave therapy and PRP. And then I started seeing guys in my practice who had been damaged and hurt from penile enhancement technologies. And I thought, wow, you know, this would be really cool if we could figure this one out. And so that's what we did.

Kirsten Trammell: Yeah. Yeah. It's always I always find it so interesting how these small [00:30:00] little steps in our life can lead us to these places that we never thought we'd be, but somehow you're like, this works for me.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: exactly.

Kirsten Trammell: You know,

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah, I never thought at the age of 10, I was, that I would be the the, the penis enhancement king, but you

Kirsten Trammell: here we are, you

Dr.Judson Brandeis: there we go. Somebody's got to do it.

Kirsten Trammell: amazing, amazing. Well, thank you so much for coming on and sharing all of this. It really felt a science lesson, a biology lesson, anatomy, everything coming together, all about penises. And so I'm really grateful that you came in here and shared your knowledge because I think it's important for us to understand the science behind what's unfolding sexually in our lives and what can, what's available to improve this part of life.

So appreciate the work that

Dr.Judson Brandeis: No, I appreciate you having me on because there's so much false marketing and pseudoscience out there in the sexual medicine field. And you know, it's really important to look at that. The source documents and the, the real information and who's behind any of these [00:31:00] products and, and, and protocols that you are interested in.

Kirsten Trammell: yeah. Yeah. Thank you for putting all this information out there and everyone I'll put links to his eBooks. And If anyone's interested in doing Pilong I'll put the link for the website there too. They can connect with you or providers.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Yeah. I mean, we have a network of about 50 or 60 providers around the country. So if you're in New York, you don't have to fly to San Francisco.

Kirsten Trammell: Perfect. Amazing. Yeah. Awesome. Well, thank you so much for coming on this show. It's been a joy to have you here.

Dr.Judson Brandeis: Oh, my pleasure. Thanks for having me on.



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