The Fastest Way to Turn a Woman On

Do you want to get your woman turned on quickly? 

In this episode, you will learn the key insight into turning a woman on sexually at any moment. Whether you are looking for tips on how to bring more sexual experiences into your life or want to understand Tantric approaches to intimacy, this episode is for you!

From tantric insights about magnetism to practical techniques for stimulating a woman's heart and breasts, this episode offers a new approach to enhancing intimacy and sexual connection. Tune in to understand a tantric perspective on how you can turn your women on through foreplay. 

Key topics include the concepts of positive and negative charges in the body, specific breast massage techniques, and the importance of awareness and intention during foreplay.

Key Topics:

01:04 Understanding Tantric Poles

03:12 The Key to Female Arousal

06:26 Techniques for Breast Stimulation

10:03 Advanced Tips and Final Thoughts


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] You are ready to go. You're turned on. You might even be starting to get hard and you just want to go straight for getting it in with her. But she has different plans. And she wants to cuddle. She wants to kiss. She wants to be wooed. She wants to be doted on. Maybe she might not even have any interest in having sex at all right now. You both want something else? So in this case who wins and really, what do you do?

In this episode, I'm going to share with you a tantric insight that reveals the fastest and most beautiful way to turn your woman on. 

So that. She is craving you. Wow. And This episode, I'm going to share with you a tantric insight, the reveals the fastest and the most beautiful way to turn your women on so that she is craving you. 

Welcome back to the naked connection. This is the show for driven men to reach [00:01:00] sexual mastery and build deep connections. 

It's Kiersten your soon to be licensed sex therapist and. We are getting very specific about foreplay today. And really, how can you turn your woman on. So let's get straight into it. You guys let's get some. 

 In order to walk through this specific technique for turning a woman on, we first really need to understand. One key tantric insight. 

Like a magnet. The body has two opposite poles. One side of the pole has a positive charge and the other side has a negative charge. And there are two poles within you, and there are two poles within the individual that you so desire. One of the poles is in your heart. Your chest space and the other is in your genitals or your sexual center space. These two equal and opposite [00:02:00] poles create a difference in potential. 

And this difference in potential creates an electromagnetic streaming in the core of your body and an amplification of the energy field that surrounds you. So in tantra, this is actually called the awakening of the inner rod of magnetism. Which is the source of orgasmic potential. It's pretty dope. Right? So men and women each carry these positive and negative poles within themselves, meaning that we can actually circulate this energy. 

This. Magnetic field and orgasmic potential within ourselves and also between one another. So each human being can really be like into a magnet with this positive and this negative pole that that ultimately when a weekend, when a lie, when charged gives rise to. This incredible streaming of energy. So what's interesting here. 

And this is the part that is super important to know in terms of [00:03:00] how to turn your woman on

When we look at this from an energetic standpoint, there's this positive charge. It's a really dynamic force and it's outward going. , and this is often look at as the masculine pole, then there is the negative charge, which is more of a passive forest and it's a receptive force. 

And that is the negative charge, which is like into the female energy. So these are opposite, but equal forces and you cannot have one without the other one cannot be charged without the others. So. What does all of this have to do with turning your woman on? Well, 

It's all about where the poles are placed within a man versus a woman. So in the male body, the positive pole is actually, and then genitals and then negative. Receptive poll is in the heart or the chest. Now, this is reverse for women. So for a woman, the positive pole is in her chest and her heart and the negative pole is in her genitals. So. If you're standing if you're [00:04:00] sitting across from a woman and if you were to come together in an embrace or a hug, your bodies would actually meet with energetic, opposite ends aligning. 

So your negative charge and your chest would meet her positive charge in her chest. Your positive charge in your cock would meet her negative charge in her pussy. Creates this really powerful. Engagement, some might even call it a magnetic attraction. 

 And this is something that I think is really interesting looking at this tantric perspective and that physically. The positive charges are actually physically externally focused. Right? So the positive charge of a man is the penis, which is an external actually physically outward. Part of the body and for women it's in the chest with her breasts, which are positive. 

And regardless of whether you have a double layer or a double G they're outward facing. Physically. 

Okay. So now that you understand the negative pole, the positive pole, what these polls actually do within the body and from [00:05:00] this tantric perspective of where they're placed and how it all unfolds. You're like Kiersten. That's cool. I guess. How is this going to help me turn a woman on? Well, Oftentimes, when it comes to foreplay, your instinct is to start stimulating her pussy, right? 

You want to rub her clit. You want to get her juices flowing there because that's where. You get turned on. Well,

energy is generated from a positive charge. So you're spending all of this time. Trying to activate something that's negatively charged when really you want to spend time activating the part of her body. And the part of her being that is already positively charged. So, how do you knock on having stores and how do you get your girl charged up? Well, instead of sending all of your focus and energy to her clit or her vagina, you actually want to send your emphasis of awareness and attention. Onto her breasts. Energy can only be raised [00:06:00] from a positive pole, not from a passive receptive pole. So you want to first activate a woman's breasts and then as a result, Her vagina, her clit, the rest of her body will respond positively coming online. And really becoming an invitation for you. 

It's interesting in tantra, 

the breasts are the doorway to a woman. And when you realize this, your approach can be so much more informed and actually so much simpler. You don't have to do Nintendo 64 or write the ABCs with your tongue anymore. It's more, a matter of being in your hands without any intention or agenda behind your touch, sending that intention, sending that emphasis and awareness to her heart, to her breasts, to her chest. So. But do you actually do with her breasts? Well, You want to start with a warm hand that really simply embraces or holds her breasts molding to her chest and this. 


intentional. And [00:07:00] clear way. With open hands, you can actually cup the breasts while lifting upwards from underneath them. Letting your hands be really porous, not necessarily compressing or squeezing because that can actually refrain or constrain the positive energy that exists here already. And it's also important to note the breast tissue is actually quite sensitive. 

So. Uh, hold that is firm and intentional. Can actually go a long, long way and it can be incredibly, incredibly activating. Let's say that you are. Standing behind her or you come up behind her in the kitchen and she's washing her hands or something and you embrace her. You can actually reach around her body. And hold her breasts. And simply stay there. Don't push for more. 

Don't start squeezing them. Don't necessarily worry about. Flicking her rubbing her nipples simply come up and hold her breasts.

Maybe even imagine as you're doing this, that your [00:08:00] hands. Are these powerful, powerful hands. And they have all of this power and they can breathe love and light and passion straight into her heart.

She is going to feel that. 

. So from here, You can go a few different directions in this really depends on your woman's sensitivity. Some women really are hypersensitive to direct touch, especially when it comes to the nipples and. On the flip side of that nipples can actually be incredibly arousing and even lead to orgasm from stimulation alone. Which is really, really powerful. 

So you actually want to really assess this what the woman that you're sexually exploring. Having that initial conversation, asking her how she likes to be touched asking her house sensitive, her nipples can be, is really important. For bringing her to life in a way that feels really good. For most women, the nipples are the most sensitive part of the chest. 

And that's really because they have the most nerve endings. And so [00:09:00] consider using massage oil or lube. And actually we're going to get into some very specific techniques about how to activate the breasts, but you want to consider massaging near the rib cage and the breast area to increase blood flow. So thinking similarly to how you like to have increased blood flow in your penis, thinking about increasing the blood flow in her positive charge in her chest. 

 A really beautiful massage technique is to use the traditional Taoists directions. So you want to begin by circling your hands over her breasts. Down on the outside and up on the inside. So moving in a circular motion down on the, outside, up on the inside, almost like you're cupping her breasts and circling up towards the center of her chest and then dropping down back on the outside of the breasts and this direction actually really releases. Energy from the breasts. 

And then if you want to go the opposite direction, circling your hands. Down on the insight. And up on the outside. So down on the inside [00:10:00] center of her chest, up on the outside, as you cut her breasts and this Bill's energy and the breasts. And you can do both of these directions is technique. With her lying on her back, or you can do it with her sitting in front of you lean leaning her back up against your chest as you massage her. And it's really, really a beautiful way to get internet. 

Maybe if you're in the bathtub, a hot tub, maybe if you're in the shower, however it goes. And really a side note for all of the beautiful women that are listening. You can do this with yourself. I actually love to leave. Um, Sesame seed oil in my shower, and I'll give myself a breast massage using these two directions. And it's truly, truly magical to do this with yourself and to bring your positive charge more and more online every single day. So that's one. Massage technique that you can do that is really supple and really brings her positive sexual energy to life. Now, if you want to look at moving inward, so exploring her nipples, you can start by. [00:11:00] Thinking about a bullseye. So thinking about moving outwards in, so thinking starting with the rib cage, moving on the outside of the breast, and then slowly circling your way to the bullseye, to the nipples. And you can consider biting the outside of their breasts. 

If your partner likes that you can roll their nipples between your teeth. Another strategy is to actually use your tongue and make out with her nipples a little bit, flicking them back and forth, sucking on them lightly, exploring her response as you're going. And this sensation and this exploration is so beautiful for bringing her really, really to life. By being with a woman's breasts, her positive charge will access her sexual energy on a profound inner level. 

The more you invite her sexual temperature to rise and meet your equal energy. The more likely you are to have what you want. Which is to bring her to full orgasmic potential, to feel her love flow towards you and yes, to have an epic sexual experience [00:12:00] together. 

So think about it like this, your sexual charge is in your penis and your balls. 

Right. And if a woman's spent 15 minutes massaging your chest, would you be turned on? Probably not right. You would probably a little be a little bit relaxed. Maybe you would feel like your nipples hurt a little bit because she was like rubbing them a lot. And maybe your mind is flooded with these thoughts of what is she doing? 

Like this is kind of weird. Why is she just touching my chest? That's what happens. When you send your attention to a negative charge, that's what happens if she sent her attention to a negative charge on your body? You want to treat her as complimentary? Not the same. When it comes to activating her body for a sexual experience, really bringing her sexual energies to life. So give this a try. Focus on her heart. Focus on her chest, focus on her breasts and see what opens up. [00:13:00] For you along the way. I cannot wait to hear how this goes. 

Please let me know. And if you have any questions or topics that you would love to connect on, I am taking. Anonymously. Questions backslash question. So go ahead and submit what other story. Question topic that you want to have addressed on the show and. It will be answered. 

It will be featured by myself or one of our future amazing expert guests. All right. You guys until next time. 

Explore activating that heart center. Explore those beautiful breasts to really turn a woman on very quickly. 

And let's get some.



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